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Speed Soro
S3 licensed
If you want racers for LFS, you need to talk to Scawen to release Scirocco and one or two new track.

Ask him for a final release for this game (or simulator, whatever).

Or forget...
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
That is ONE of the many others reasons I (and many friends I have) give up and forgot LFS.

Maybe when Scirocco arrives... maybe...

Until there, let LFS for the kids.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I didnt like. Originals look much better, more natural. Sorry.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I don't know if it has been reported already, but I can't find a way to add AI drivers in this test patch.
BTW, congrats for the visual improvement!
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
My version is the last test patch Y21.
But there is no problem anymore. I find out that it is necessary to mark "Axis" in the View option menu.
Now it works and the deep immersion is back. Not too easy to get used, but very fun for sure :-)
Scawen, why a track modeler is not liberated for public?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
trackir doesnt work in LFS
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I tried everything but it does not work inside the game, just LFS.
Any idea please?
Just a question: no web site updates?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
After 6 months I guess is time to change something in the home page. I'm embarassed pointing new players or curious to the site.

That shows what is going on with the game development... slow... slow... zzzzzzz
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Two years from now and many fanboys will be older, and concius, and we will be able to come here and complain about the turtle's development steps without fear to be smashed.

Two years from now and it will be in alpha stage yet, maybe with new menus and colours, one or two cars and a new rally layout in blackwood.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Ok, LFS does not simulate clutch wear, I didn't know that, but the way that the clutch information is made, guides to wrong interpretation (once you don't know what it really means).

In a RPM gauge you have change of the colours and of the length of the bar, however the colour changes once that the bar reaches some point in the length.

The clutch bar changes the colours without change the length and vice-versa, so the common sense says that you get two independent informations on the same gauge.

And I'm not convinced that I'm wrong, and I still think that the clutch's behavior (heating/wearing or only heating, whatever) is wrong simulated, too exaggerated.

And I'm not bashing the LFS or anyone here, so stop bashing me. I keep the respect, you keep the respect.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
It doesn't make sense that the bargraph is just a temperature display, cause if so it could be just a rectangle (or a square or any other shape) with color variations.

It increases its lenght and changes its colour, so it just can indicates the wear, while the colour indicates the temperature rising (which is very very easy to rise up and very difficult to fall down).

Or it was made for daltonic people or monochromatic screens?

For something that should indicates something based in colours, it could start blue, not orange, I don't know...
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I'm waiting someone to share a correct setup for XFG/BL considering the use of 3 pedals and manual clutch/shift.


Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from March Hare :LOL! Soro is so good at shifting that he burns the clutch even in a game that doesn't have clutch failures!

There went the rest of his credibility.

Credibility? What are you talking about? I'm not here to be credible, I'm just exposing a problem that the game has.

Ok, GTR2 does not simulate clutch failures, and I was not happy with this example, but it does simulate brake and engine heating and failures, and you can burn them, but you need to do things that will cause this effect such as you'll do in real cars.

I mean, you feel that you are doing something wrong and you can avoid it.

But in LFS you can't feel if you are pushing too hard the clutch. A little mistake and the clutch goes away.

People here use to get some things out the point. The discussion is if the clutch is realistc or not, and I said not. But credibility, blablabla... comon... how old are you?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
The setups from team inferno are wrong? Ok.

Please, give me the right setup for the base: XFG on BL.

Please, I'll give a try to your suggestion.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
First thing: I like LFS and I know as everyone here knows that it is a WIP, so please don't guide the conversation by this way.

Second thing: I drive since my 18, and I'm 45 now.

I've had faced unnumbered situations since that age driving fast in the streets (I don't recommend) in the chaotic traffic of my country.

I always use manual gears (thing that many europeans and americans don't know). In fact my first time driving with automatic shift was now in LFS. Even in games I always use manual shift.

I had clutch problems once when I was young. My car was very very old, very bad conserved, and the situation was on the limit.

Now I drive my simple domestic cars, with any preparation for races, and I can hold them in a rise without using brakes, doing what we call here "rampa", what means to hold the car controlling the accelerator and clutch pedals. I avoid doing that cause I know that is not good for the clutch, but I can do that for many seconds (not just a fraction of it) and when I go the clutch is well, I can't smell any burned tyre, I can't notice any decrease in the clutch perfomance.

I do that every single day, my car has more than 2 years now, and the clutch keep fine. It doesn't waste 1 mm or 2 in a single start!!! It is an absurd and you all are trying to convincing me to accept that the game is right! It is not right, it is wrong!

In LFS (no matter what perfect your setup be) you can't do any mistake, you can't do any slipage, cause the clutch wastes too fast, in a way that real clutch doesn't waste, and it heats to fast, and lates to back to an acceptable temperature.

I won't post any replay. I don't need to prove what I'm saying.

Even if my driving be not perfect, it does not justify the fact that the clutch wastes too fast. My car has a forgiving clutch like any other car has. It is designed to be forgiving in the real life, and race clutches are bigger, stronger and more resistent, so how can you say that this is right?

Scawen has made a new parameter for race drivers now: keep an eye on the clutch bar. It doesn't exist, it is totally wrong!

There is no pair in the real life!

And about RAC, I like to drive that car, and unfortunatelly it is too rare to find people on the servers using it.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Well, I assume that any argument defending the game here, no matter what point, are always in principle wrong, cause the first position of the majority here is always to defend the game in the stage it is at that moment. It has been in this manner since the beggining, and I have seen people change their opinion many times after any news from the devs. If someone come here and complain, many fall over killing the guy, but after months something is changed, then that people forget they love the old version of the game and start defending everything in the new format.

The clutch is not right, no matter how many times you say that I drive wrong.

I drive right. Not the best drive ever, but ebough for do not burn any clutch in the world.

I didn't start in 3 or 4 not even 2o gear. I started in 1st, I do the same way I use to drive my real car. I lift my foot before change the gears, I do everything right.

This model is wrong. You are asking me to drive like a mom going to the mall in a sunday morning... comon. Those are race cars, and this is just a game, supposed to be simulated but fun.

It is the same thing about RAC. Who in this world could confirm that car is so perverted in real life like it is in the game?

just like Race and many others little things that need improvments, the clutch model is wrong and need too.

Comon, I drive for almost 30 years. This game is wrong, stop.

Im not saying that this game sux, or the clutch sux, or everything like that. I love this game. I really love this game and respect deeply the LFS Team´s work. I'm not saying too that it is supposed to be easy to implement any single detail in the game.

I believe that it is hard. But it is a fact that the clutch is wrong and the fun has been compromised after its appearence.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I can't believe what I read here.

I can play GTR2 for hours without burn the clutch, but if I force the engine I burn it.

LFS is better than GTR2 just in 2 things: the complex tyre/suspension physics (it is complex but not proved right yet) and the amazing nude and raw force feedback.

But GTR2 is made from telemetry data, approved by professional drivers and it simulates too many more things that LFS still doesn't simulate.

LFS now simulates the clutch waste and heating and it is wrong. It is a fact simple to observe, anyone can observe that but here the fan boys arguments (or the lack of ) are always impossible to live with.

Where this crap simulation is right??? Show me at least one real life example where the clutch waste so soon and so easy.

My setup is wrong??? Why??? Am I a bad driver? What is so dificult to lift the accel pedal??? Am I dumb?

No my setups are right, I drive right and the clutch waste is bad simulated, simple like that, and many people here lies.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
People who defend this error is just doing nothing to contribute to development of the game.

The clutch is wrong designed and period.

Point me something in the real racing world that behaves like this. There is not.

I used to considered LFS the most amazing simulation I could drive, but after the magnific clutch project I saw me obligated to use automatic gears, and the immersion went away a bit.

The clutch is wrong, and there is nothing wrong with the way I drive.

I'm not so fast like the top-master-ets on the net, but I drive well and I know how to change gears, with or without autoclutch.

This behavior is wrong. Once it get red there is no way to back to orange.

The ammount of waste is absurd too. Where in the real world there is so weak clutch?

Clutch are made to resist hard work, under high temperatures, high degree of slipage and high acceleration, positive and negative.

Scawen should put his proud aside once in a while and go back to old format, at least it was driveable.

The complaint proceeds, and I know a lot of top racers that are using autogears cause that.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Spa without doubt. For any class of car, for any numbers of drivers.
Improvement suggestion for Pit Exit Strip
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
If someone had suggested this, sorry, if not here it goes:

In league races we use to watch the behavior of the drivers at the pit exit, where they cannot toutch the strip that splits the pit's exit from the race track (yellow strip).

If they do, so they are penalized with DT.

We have the idea to turn this feature automatic, so the server could be set for penalize or not this behavior (in fact, it could be always on, at the same manner that max pit speed is).

Speed Soro
S3 licensed
thank you very much
But I cant find the way to write correctly the files ROAD, SEQUENTIAL and PADDLES.LFS

I'd like to have 3 pedal set for road car and 2 pedal set for formula and gtrs, and also sequential for gtrs and formulas, paddle for v8, and h-shifter for road, but I dont know how to write these files.

Im using a g25 controller

forget, I found it. thanks again
Last edited by Speed Soro, .
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
what is the commands for 1st, 2nd gears and so on?
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
You can make many mistakes with your road car and the clutch remains good enough.

When you drive a road car in normal traffic of a big city like Sao Paulo (Brazil), you use hundreds or thousands of times the 1st and 2nd gear. Of course you won't push the pedal to the metal, but the point is that in a race you rarelly use 1st gears, and in a 5 minutes race should be impossible to heat the clutch at the point you lose the grip driving normally.

Also, in race cars, the clutch is stronger than road cars.

The materials used in moderns clutches are very resistant, and you can make some mistakes without fear, cause them will resist.

I think clutches are not realistic at this point and need to be improved.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
No, I think he is right in his conclusion. The clutch is not right for this moment, and there is no such thing in real world.

A clutch that becomes dead after 15 or 30 minutes of gently race just can be made of paper.

Clutchs are made of resistent materials, made for sliding and heating.

Scawen should review his numbers, cause the clutch waste is not real at this moment.